Return Policy

We want you to feel like every item is the perfect match for your home.

If it’s not the right fit, You can return items for a refund within 30 days of receipt. and the item must be in its original condition and packaging to be accepted.


There are a few items that can’t be returned:

  • Clearance items
  • Gift cards
  • Personalized items
  • Bundled items at discounted rates, e.g. “5 for $25” (unless the entire bundle is returned)
  • Items you have already assembled
  • Items marked “Non-Returnable” on the sale page

Any outbound shipping charges collected on the order will not be refunded. This includes:

  • Upgraded shipping charges (expedited, express, etc.)
  • Assembly services included with deliver

To start a return, please contact us. Return shipping costs will be deducted from your refund and can vary depending on the location of the return.


Canceling an Order

You can request to cancel any order before it ships from My Orders. Cancellation requests are not a guarantee, as our cancellation system will not allow items to be canceled once they are preparing for shipment.

If you missed the window to cancel the order, Please send the item back once it arrives. And the freight is borne by yourself.


Damaged or Defective Items

We know how frustrating this situation can be. Return shipping for damaged or defective items is free. In this case, we’ll take care of it and work with you to find the best solution. Be sure to complete this process within 30 days of the delivery date.

We apologize for your less-than-perfect experience.


Received the Wrong Item

If we’ve sent you something you didn’t order, we want to get the correct item to you as fast as possible.

We’ll also send this info to the Warehouse so don’t receive the wrong item again! Be sure to complete this process within 30 days of the delivery date.